This morning I tuned in to AM 990 to listen to a priest named Fr. John Riccardo. I really enjoy listening to him whenever I get the chance. He's got some really great insights on a lot of issues and teachings of the Catholic church, and he's usually pretty funny. This morning, however, he was not at all funny. Fr. John was talking about abortion...and in order for his audience to fully understand the act, he gave a terribly graphic description of a partial-birth abortion. He did this not to gross people out or be graphic...he did it to bring to our awareness the tragedy that is abortion. Do you realize there are doctors out there that are sucking the brains out of unborn babies? There are doctors that inject chemicals into the fetus while it's still in the womb so that it'll be easier to deliver once it's dead. There are doctors that say that it's perfectly okay to do these things because this baby is not a human. I'm sorry, but who do these doctors think they are that they have the right to discern whether or not someone is worthy of being called a human?? Isn't that God's job? Ugh. The whole issue disgusts me. As I listened to the details of exactly how a partial-birth abortion is performed, I felt sick to my stomach. Those poor babies. They don't even have a say in the matter. Their lives are simply being taken from them before they have a chance to live. < visit that site for more information about partial-birth abortions. More specifically, scroll down to the bottom of the page where it has the step-by-step procedure. It's not in full-color, and it's not too graphic (for those of you who don't care to see the graphic representation). It just gives a description of each step involved. I think it'll provoke some interesting thoughts.
I am so thankful for my life. My heart really breaks for all the babies that have been killed in abortions in the world. Seriously. What might they have been like if they just had a chance? I invite you to listen to the testimony of one woman who survived an abortion. Yeah. That's right...she actually SURVIVED. Can you imagine? Her story is incredible. She's such an amazing woman of God. Check out this video and hear her story. It's so very inspiring. > (that's Part 1. 9.5 minutes) and (that's Part 2. 6.5 minutes). I encourage you to watch/listen to the whole thing. It's only about 16 minutes of your time...and I really think it's worth it.
Lord, I thank You for the gift of my life. My heart breaks for all of the women that have undergone abortions, and my heart breaks for all of the babies that have not had a chance to live because of abortions. I ask that You would protect all babies from the terrible act of abortion and open more of Your people's hearts and minds to Your plan and will for their lives. Amen.
I just watched those site .. and oh my gosh... I couldn't control the tears that streamed down my face. =/ It makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteThat woman is amazing. God bless her !
ReplyDeleteI went on the Planned Parenthood site just to see exactly how many est. woman get aboritions.... and sadly I read that "Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old." That is HORRIBLE. I'm glad that people think it's Okay to kill something that they created. HELLO. WAKE UP.