I just listened to Joyce Meyer talk about the power of true faith. Her main point was this: "If you do what you can do, God will do what you cannot do. She went on to say that God "will never give you something to do that you cannot do. It may be something you don't wanna do, it may be something you don't like to do, it may be something that might be a little bit of a struggle for you to do, but God will never ever give you anything to do that you cannot do, so stop telling Him you can't do it and just do it." That really struck me. I don't know how many times I've complained about something that God has asked me to do. I guess I just don't fully believe that I have been given the strength to do it. Either that or I'm afraid of what will happen when I do it. Like when He tells me "You should go tell that person about me" or "How come I'm not a part of your relationship with so-and-so?". I get all flustered and let the devil deceive me into thinking that it's too hard to share my faith or that others will think I'm weird if I do. What the heck am I worried about looking weird for?! Sheesh.
Another thing that Joyce Meyer said that I liked was this: "Sometimes I think we try to say things to God just to hear ourselves sound spiritual. Maybe you need to say less and mean every word that you say." She's talking about prayer. Wordy, meaningless prayer. You know what I mean, right? The blah-blah-blah kinds of prayers that we make all fancy? Do we even know or mean what we're saying? Probably not. Jesus is our friend...why can't we just talk to Him that way? I'm definitely going to check my prayers tonight and make sure I know what I'm saying and that it's truly the prayer of my heart.
Joyce ended her talk with a little bit about problems in our life. "We're never promised a problem-free life. We don't have faith so we can never have a problem, we have faith so we can have a problem but it not have us. We don't need to be all wrapped up in our problems." Hmm...that's pretty convicting. I think sometimes I let myself believe that with enough prayer and enough faith, my problems will just go away. No, no, no. That's ridiculous! What the heck would life be without problems and struggles? Too easy, that's what. She talked about praying about our problems, and then...the most difficult part (but most rewarding)...just leaving them in God's hands. "You do not have to be upset until God solves your problem. You do not have to be miserable until God solves your problem. And I don't wanna be negative and give you a downer, but even when He solves this one, you're probably gonna get another one...so if you don't ever learn to be happy while you got the problems, you're not gonna be very happy in your life." This reminds me of James 1:2, which talks about experiencing joy in the mist of trials. God doesn't want us to worry about anything. While we're waiting for God to help us through our struggles, we are to wait joyfully and expectantly! I definitely want to get better at that.
Lord, thank You for this day. Thank you for always guiding me and teaching me Your right and perfect ways. Help me to truly live out the plan You have for my life. Help me to be joyful as I wait for You to reveal Your majesty little by little in my life. Amen.
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