Saturday, April 23, 2011


Christ is risen from the dead, trampled over death by death!

Hear the bells ringing, they're singing "Christ is risen from the dead!"

Behold the lamb, our sacrifice. Once bound in death, now stands alive!

I just got back from the Easter Vigil at Christ the King, and once again, my mind is completely blown. I am always amazed by how much grace God pours out and how much the Holy Spirit blesses us every year, and this year was no different. Everything about the Easter Vigil is wonderful...the 7 readings, the wonderful music, the litany of the saints, the baptisms, the renewal of all of our baptismal vows, the reception of the new Catholics into the Church, the confirmations, the Eucharist (of course!)...all of it. One of the moments I really love is the Gloria (Glory to God in the highest...) after the 7 readings. The room slowly lights back up (both literally and spiritually), and the music gets louder and more upbeat. I really felt the Lord's presence as we sang that tonight. The church was just so alive! I also really love the Gospel Acclamation, which tonight was taken from Psalm 118. It's wonderful to say "Alleluia" so many times after not saying it all throughout Lent. :)

This is such an exciting time of year, and I really felt like I was able to grasp the true meaning of Easter. It's not about jelly beans (although I do love them), it's not about the Easter Bunny, and it's not about Easter egg hunts. It's about Jesus Christ, the savior of the world who lived and died for us. It's about His resurrection on the third day. It's about His revelation to His people and the resulting eradication of our sins. Praise Him, the One who has conquered death and sin! He has risen from the dead!

I hope you all have a blessed Easter tomorrow and enjoy spending time with your families. Though you may be surrounded with candy, eggs, and other Easter treats, I pray that you keep in mind the true meaning of this special day. THE RESURRECTION! JESUS CHRIST HAS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!

Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself to me in such a special way at the Easter Vigil tonight. I pray that You keep my mind fixed on You tomorrow and every day thereafter.

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