I went to a talk at my church tonight about the Catholic mass. It wasn't quite what I was expecting...I think I expected more of an explanation as to why we do certain things and why we pray certain prayers. So much of the Catholic mass is routine-y, and I often go to mass and go through the motions (sit, stand, kneel, pray, repeat) without really thinking about it. I know that's definitely not the point of mass. My priest said, "The more we engage in full, active, conscious participation, the more our hearts will be open to everything the Lord has for us." I know I am guilty of not engaging in that full, active, conscious participation in mass sometimes. It's so easy to do! But just thinking about how much more God will be glorified if I give Him my full attention at mass makes me super excited. Anyway, another thing my priest talked about was why we come to mass. It's not about getting something out of it. It's about 1) Worshipping God, and 2) the sanctification of the human person. That was pretty awesome to hear. I know sometimes I feel like I'm going to mass on Sunday morning because I have to. Sometimes it just doesn't go through my head that I'm going there to worship God and to become more holy. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not always going out of obligation...I really do like going to mass. I just know that I need to really prepare my heart more before going to mass on Sunday. This preparation will not only help me to give more glory to God during mass, but it will also fight off the spiritual attacks of the devil. He absolutely HATES what goes on at mass...the praying, the singing, the praising God, the celebration of the Eucharist (body and blood of Christ), the reading of the scriptures, everything. So he does everything he can to sabotage our minds before we leave for mass...so much so that when we walk through the church doors we can hardly focus on the wonderful celebration of the mass. We can hardly give God our all and praise Him with everything in us because the devil has attacked...and I think sometimes we let him. Without even knowing it. That's the scary part. BUT now we know that the devil attacks when he knows that we're going to be worshipping God...so what are we going to do about it? Pray for protection, that's what. "It's easier to fight in the war when you know there's a battle coming."
Lord, thank You for being present during the talk at church tonight. I ask that You protect me in my weak moments. Be my stronghold and my deliverer. And St. Michael, I ask for your intercession as well: "St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
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