Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Time of Joy

This new year is off to a great start. I had a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration with Lina and Jennifer in Indiana. And now the Lord has challenged me to a 21-day Daniel Fast for the first 21 days of the new year. I did the Daniel Fast this past summer with my friend/sister Ashley, and I really felt like God put it on my heart to do it again as a way to kick off the new year. a few things first:

1. The Daniel Fast is totally biblical..."In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled." Daniel 10:2,3. He ate only fruits and vegetables (no bread, no pasta, no meat) and drank only water for three whole weeks. He supplemented this with extra prayer times. Daniel fasted in order to be healthier and to receive direction and a clear vision from God. At the end of his fast, Daniel said this: "Suddenly, a hand touched me, which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my hands. And he said to me, 'O Daniel, man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you...Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.'" Long story short, I truly believe that what God did for Daniel, He will do for us too.

2. Fasting is not dieting. Yes, it is a highly restrictive diet, but it is in no way a means by which to lose weight. At no time while I have fasted have I checked my weight on the scale. Yes, I've noticed a change in the way my clothes fit...but that is not any kind of motivation for me to fast. I am using these three weeks as a way to purify my body and bring my soul and mind closer to Jesus, my King.

I have received so much strength from the Lord in these first 5 days of this fast. He has spoken to me much more clearly. I actually heard my name twice today as I laid down for a nap. I think God was telling me that He saw my sacrifice and that it was good. And that I needed extra rest and energy. I am filled with so much peace right now...I have no fear, no anxiety...just joy and peace.

Just the other day the Lord put it on my heart to pray for my friend/sister Ashley (as mentioned above). I don't know how much I've written in here about our "falling out", but Ashley and I haven't been speaking for the past couple of months now. This is extremely hard on me. I lost not only a best friend, but a sister. Ashley and I have shared so many wonderful memories...I pretty much watched her grow up. Now she is going through a difficult period in her life...making her own choices and living her own way, and she has chosen to leave me out of it. It breaks my heart, but I know that she'll come back. I'll never stop loving her and I certainly will not stop praying for her. She needs God's grace and love more than anyone I know right now. Anyway, as I have been praying for Ashley this week, God has placed it on my heart to start a journal for her. I bought the most beautiful journal the other day...and I plan on filling it with stories, songs, and scriptures that either remind me of Ashley or just ones that I think would be good for her to read/see.

I plan on writing in this journal during this "in between time" while we're not talking. It helps me to re-live the good times and express some of the hurt that I'm carrying. I'm excited to see the finished product and to give it to Ashley when this is all over. I know that someday it will be. :)

Things are wrapping up as far as school goes, so that's pretty exciting. I only have this current semester left and then I'll be graduating! After that I'll be working all summer and then going on my GAP year (year-long mission trip). I am so excited to see how God will provide the money for me to go on this will truly be a miracle. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue this fast. I will definitely be praying for all of you as well. :) God bless!

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