Much has changed since my last blog post. I have come back out of my spiritual dryness and have had some really great prayer times lately. Besides that article about journaling that I shared, a talk that I went to at my church really inspired me. The title of the talk was "The Smelly Stable," and it was basically about how our lives are a mess, and we often think we need to clean them up before we can let God back in. I know this is true a lot of times for me...I'll be stressed about school or work, get caught up in too much homework, and not be devoting any time to God. I'll think to myself, "Well, once I get my homework done, I'll start praying again" or "Once work gets less stressful, I'll have better prayer times." I never really thought "I want to have better prayer times now." It was always later, later, later. Well, I know from experience that sometimes later never comes. To get out of my spiritual dryness and my feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed, I needed to just start praying and talking to God again. Even though I didn't feel like it. And so I did...and gosh, I realized two things: 1) I really missed talking to Him, and 2) He really missed me!
My journal is caught up a bit more now, and I have been starting my mornings off by reading scripture or listening to Joyce Meyer on the radio. How much more smoothly my days go when I start them like this. The difference is truly amazing. :) I was able to get through finals week without too much stress, and now I know I will enjoy my Christmas break. I am looking forward to working more hours, resting on my days off, and spending time with my family and close friends. I hope you all had a good finals week and I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Bring it on, 2011!
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