Saturday, November 6, 2010

God Provides

This past week I did something really hard. I sacrificed food every day for my friend. After talking on the phone with her last weekend, I heard the Lord telling me to fast for her. Although I couldn't relate to what she was going through, I could do something extremely difficult and offer it up for her. So last week I drank only liquids...water, juice, milk, broth. And I prayed extra hard for my friend. I had some really powerful prayer times, as the Lord speaks extra loudly and more clearly when we fast. He gave me such great strength to make it through the week...and to resist all cravings I had to eat. I truly believe that God has the power to satisfy our physical hunger with a much more wonderful spiritual feast. I am meeting with my friend tomorrow night to talk, and I know that God will bless our conversation and give me an understanding heart to listen to what she has to say.

On another note, I've really been enjoying working as a cashier assistant at Costco. I get to talk to a whole new set of employees. It's kind of like I'm new all over again...but in a good way, because I'm not completely lost. :) I get to interact with the members all day, which is fun, and I don't have to mess around with chicken grease like I did in the deli. :) I spent this whole weekend at home, and it's been really a little retreat. My dad is away on a business trip, so it stinks that I can't see him, but being with my mom is just wonderful. She has such a bright, cheery attitude all the time, and we really have some awesome conversations about how God's working in our lives. She is such wonderful encouragement to my spiritual journey.

I am still planning on doing a GAP year next year, but as of now I don't know where I'm going. I'll find out in March of next year, so I still have a while. I've been saving my money little by little and I have no doubt that God will provide the rest. Please pray for me as I plan and prepare for this next chapter of my life. :)

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