Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fly Away

I've been inspired to start blogging again. I blogged every day this past summer ( and not only was it rewarding for my readers, but it was a wonderful place for me to record my experiences with God and others. I enjoy reading past blog posts on days when I'm feeling discouraged.

The inspiration for this blog comes from many things...songs, scriptures, experiences with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and just every day happenings. I can't wait to share with you all what God has been doing in my life lately. The title "All Around Me" comes from a song by one of my favorite female Christian artists, JJ Heller. The song is called Fly Away (Google "JJ Heller Fly Away" to listen to the song on iLike), and it's just such a happy, upbeat song about freedom in Christ. She sings, "Beauty all around me, drawing me to the sky. This is life, I can feel it. Bid my lonely days goodbye." Lately these words have really been ringing true in my heart. There really is beauty all around me...and I have only God to thank for that. Praise Him!


  1. I'm so grateful you decided to start blogging again. I love reading about the inspiration you find everyday!


  2. Thanks Jenny! I'm glad you enjoy reading. :)
